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Registered Agents in Every State

Whether you are doing business in one state or in fifty, we can be your trusted registered agents.

Registered Agents Explained 😎

This sounds like an awesome job. Being a Registered Agent sounds cool. However, the job title does a poor job describing the job.

A registered agent is simply a business or individual designated to receive a service of process when a business is party to a legal matter like a lawsuit or summons. This job, although not super interesting, comes with a lot of rules. Most states require corporations and LLCs to designate registered agents, and registered agents must be at a designated address during reasonable business hours (this varies state-to-state). Having a registered agent is an essential formality of maintaining LLC or corporate protection, so it is critical to do it right.

We are happy to handle burdens that come with this, so you can stay compliant without another headache on your plate. When you select our Registered Agent Services, we notify you as soon as we receive a legal complaint or process. You can then make an informed decision on how to handle it. It is perfectly reasonable to be your own registered agent. If you choose this path, you must make sure you meet your state's requirements. It is also possible to change a registered agents, so you have tremendous flexibility.

Registered Agent
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