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Staying on Track

Keeping up to date with filing deadlines is rarely enjoyable. At Bold Horizons, it brings us some joy, but we are different. With our compliance solution, we will remind you of your various filing obligations so that things don't fall between the cracks.

Road to Compliance

How Bold Horizons helps keep you up to date.

Our awesome features
Sign Up

Sign up for our compliance solutions for updates. We will need your filing date, state, and we will also need to know whether you have employees or need to collect sales tax.

Our awesome features
Get Reminders

We will send you reminders two months and one month before due dates for federal taxes, state taxes, franchise taxes, sales taxes, and employment taxes. These can be helpful since some taxes and their returns are due multiple times per year.

Our awesome features
File Your Return

As you get updated, you will have adequate time to gather your documents, and file your returns. We are able to refer you to filing experts, but we will only do this if you reach out. We are not looking to solicit this business.


Running a business is hard work. Business leaders wear so many hats at once, and there is so much going on. With this, it makes sense why federal, state, and local tax filing deadlines can fall by the wayside. Our compliance package keeps you up to date on filing deadlines. It is a series of informative reminders on potential filing requirements, deadlines and obligations. This is designed to make sure your business stays up to date and does its best to avoid any late penalties. Furthermore, if you request it, we can also put you in touch with practitioners to help out. However, we will never solicit.

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